This is a short book - it's only 5 chapters, plus an introduction and a conclusion. Bear in mind that this is my first foray into Christian/Inspirational writing in 10 years, and this is an early draft. And now, without further ado, I bring you the introduction to Shatterpoint:
Battleground Earth might not have caught on, but that wasn’t the end. I didn’t achieved my dream of traditional publishing success, but experience and the ebook revolution have granted me the new dream of being an independent author – something that wasn’t possible ten years ago when Battleground Earth was published. I’ve expanded my horizons and found joy in writing mystery and science fiction. I also branched into writing non-fiction articles, and am now an editor for several genres at . I believe these first steps into the world of editing are what caused me to reflect on my roots, and to return to them to address an issue that has plagued me since Battleground Earth was published – the stereotypes of the boring, Bible-thumping Christian with the sole purpose of converting the world. As a lifelong Christian, that stereotype really makes my blood boil. I won’t mince words with you: when people ask if I’m “born again,” I have a hard-to-resist urge to reach for my stun gun. Hard-line evangelism has always aggravated me, and what’s worse is when they keep pushing that “you aren’t the right kind of Christian.” Says who?
No, I don’t have credentials. I’m not a doctor, or a pastor, or even a motivational speaker. My “churchy” activities are being an usher once a month (yes, an usher, not a greeter – I don’t do the “stand around and look pretty” thing well), serving on the Information Technology Committee, and helping with “Share Our Stuff,” a spring and fall event where we collect clothes, toys, and household items from the congregation and give them to the low-income families in our community for free. I am no leader; I’m a servant, and I’m one that’s sick and tired of being gawked at because I don’t fit the image of the “God bless you,” scripture-quoting sheep that people think I should be.
This novella is my opinion on the stereotypes that I’ve faced as a Christian. It’s not scientific, nor is it official, self-help advice. No official inspirational speaker, preacher, station or bookstore would ever endorse this, nor should they. The only thing that makes me qualified to write this is the fact that I’m a lifelong Christian, an independent author, and that I have the audacity to not only do it, but self publish it and make it available to readers for free. That’s right, free. This novella will be released chapter by chapter on my personal blog at and then in ebook format through Smashwords and their affiliated retailers once it’s combined, revised, proofread, and been through the appropriate amount of scrutiny to make it “ebook worthy.” I don’t want to sell God. I have a day job and mystery and science-fiction books to sell. This one’s on me.
That being said, this is all advice given in good fun, and as with all advice, you can take it or leave it. I’m just a failed inspirational writer – but that failure has led me to other discoveries that I’d like to share with you now. Like every writer, I hope this will provide you with things to think about and inspiration for your own journey.
Are you still here? Great! Then let’s go!