I don't usually go on political tirades, but after seeing a woman ram barricades and get shot at the White House and a man setting himself on fire at the National Mall, it's obvious that deep down, we all know that the system . Oh sure, I've heard the arguments about mental instability and whatnot, but let's be very honest with ourselves - ill or not, deep down, we're all taking the bitter pill of wrong choices at the polls in the past years, and it's making us choke.
This entire mess was made by people that we elevated to the places where they sit, right now, keeping us on a merry-go-round of madness. Everybody, from the President to Congress, has forgotten who got them there. They're public servants, but they are using their position for political grandstanding and advancing their own careers. That's the downfall of democracy, folks. If you make bad choices or if they go bad (which inevitable seems to happen), you have to live with it for 2-4 years. But the upside is that you can correct them come next Election Day.
Ladies and gentleman, I urge you to please remember this when you go to the polls. They're counting on you forgetting by next year. They're banking on this being an off year and believe they can hoodwink you into thinking that they "saved the day" and "came to your rescue" by the time the next election rolls around. Don't believe them. It's already too late. They've proved that their grand promises from the last election were all lies, and that they have no intention of "doing better next time." Please be wise enough to realize that any "I'm sorry's" after today are nothing more than smoke and lies in a scramble to maintain their position. We see all too clearly that it's all about them and not about us - not at all.
Forgiving them their mistakes and shortcomings doesn't mean that you have to fall for the same old tricks come 2014. You can forgive them for being selfish idiots, and still relieve them of the burden of public service that they obviously no longer have the capacity to understand. In fact, we'd do them a favor by voting other people in. They system as it is obviously needs some new, fresh, pure blood, and bringing that in might give those in power now the perspective to make some good, honest change in themselves and become better people for whatever comes next. And I hope it's good and they do find a better path, but it doesn't need to be in an elected position. We see that's not working, so let's fix it. I can tell you one thing - no incumbent has any chance of getting my vote in the next 2-4 years. Just scratch me off your contact list because it's not gonna happen. There's nothing you can say or do to win my vote.
Pray for the federal workers and all affected by this shutdown, and that it's resolved soon, and wisely. Yes, pray especially for wisdom, because that's the one element that's sorely lacking in all of this mess.
That's my political soapbox speech for now. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.