In like a lion, indeed. March has been about getting back to it. The question is, how is the muse handling the transition?
The pandemic was a boon for my writing, obviously, but I heard other writers complain that the lockdown made it more difficult to write. I can’t explain why it was easier for some of us, while others struggled. I was already working on Domino with plans to expand it into The Sentience Series when we went into lockdown, so the flow was already going. Calls from people doing lockdown anthologies got the short stories rolling again as well, and the extra time from everything being closed and not getting dressed and commuting because of work from home gave me extra time and energy to keep the inspiration flowing and the muse busy to fill the gaps. My struggle is continuing with the writing now that we’ve gone back to “normal.” But here again, where I’m at with my writing is a factor. I just published Domino, and Phantasm (Book Two) is with beta readers and a reviewer right now, so I can’t do anything with it until all of that feedback comes in. Writer’s block is common for me after I publish. It’s not surprising after the work I put into The Sentience Series in January and February.
So I turned to finishing my cross stitch, which I completed yesterday and will take to the framer this weekend. I planned well, but now what? I’m adjusting to the “getting on with it” faster than my muse is. Such is the way of being a writer. As with people, sometimes you and your muse are out of sync.
I’d like to get on writing flash fiction and short stories again. They’re fun to write, and it’s good to do something different in between novella/novel drafts. The problem is that the muse is still reeling from the lion of March, and I can’t force the inspiration to come back. Heck, writing this blog has been a challenge.
All I can do is get back to it, and roll with the muse when it’s ready. Maybe it’s divine timing for me to take life as it comes for a while as I continue to adjust. I’ve discovered that some things are different, some are the same, and I’m reconciling it all into life today. We all are. Eventually, the muse will catch up and form it into fiction however he sees fit.
That’s all today. Take care, and have a great week.