But here’s the flip side: there are some things that I don’t have strong preferences on, and I get raised eyebrows for this too. For example, my preferences in the following things are subject to my needs and/or mood at the particular time:
Food. I don’t have a favorite restaurant or type of food. I just like a variety and to mix it up. One thing I can’t stand is eating the same thing all the time. That being said, I do get cravings like everybody else, and there are times when I do want certain things. But most of the time, I’m fine as long as it’s not fish (I’m not a fan of fish) or Chinese (which is only a step above what’s in my septic tank, in my humble opinion).
Radio Station. Again, it depends on my mood on the particular day. I listen to everything from instrumental and Christian to hard rock. It depends on whether I need to wake up or calm down. And most of the time, I find myself somewhere in the middle.
Apple or Droid. When it comes to computers, I definitely prefer PC’s to Mac’s. But when it comes to devices, it matters little to me. I have an iPhone and a Nexus 7 tablet, and I like one as much as the other. To me, both work great and serve my needs just fine.
PC or Tablet. Until tablets allow you to create, modify and store documents on them through Microsoft Word then I’ll have to have a PC. But I do like tablets for keeping up with online stuff, reading, notes, and games. Each has a function. I suspect that they will be one in the same device in time but until then, I’m managing fine.
Twitter or Facebook. Each has its merits – and its flaws. I like the brevity of Twitter, but sharing more complex musings is much easier on Facebook. And both share news tidbits and my Discovery articles on solar flares and interesting extra-terrestrial features just fine. Sorry, Google Plus, but you’re still behind these two.
NOAA or The Weather Channel. For everyday, local forecasts, I always go to my NOAA Weather Radio. But The Weather Channel is better if you have something big coming through, like the polar vortex last week, hurricanes, or large weather systems. NOAA gives you the “what” and “what’s coming up” great, but The Weather Channel gives you the “why” and “what it means” better.
CNN or FOXNews. I check both. Frankly, I find Discovery News more interesting than either of them, but I suppose I should keep up with what’s going on in this world (outside of science and tech news), so I go between the two. And frankly, I check my news online anyway.
Seasons. Once you’re out of school and don’t get 3 months off for summer break anymore, it really doesn’t matter what time of year it is, because you’re going to be at your desk Monday through Friday regardless. And although I don’t care for the cold, short days of winter, it does give me a good excuse to stay inside to write and read. Truth be told, every season has its merits and the Earth itself needs four seasons. You might as well find the joys of each season and embrace them.
Truth be told, I bet we could all balance the scales between things we have preferences for and things we don’t. It’s another one of those things that make us unique. After all, what’s weird to you is perfectly normal to me. And that’s a secret that those of us who studied psychology know. It’s not what’s normal. We’re all weird, in one way or another (and most likely, in several ways). That’s part of being a unique individual. It’s what’s appropriately functional. Not that’s an entirely question altogether!
That’s all today. Take care. Have a Happy Friday tomorrow and a great weekend.