Arts and Crafts. I do counted cross-stitching from time to time, and I enjoy arts and crafts projects. The problem is that they’re usually so time consuming that I rarely have an opportunity to engage in this interest. I limit my stitching projects to small patterns, there are few good craft shows in our area (plenty of blah ones but as for big and really good – maybe 2 or 3 a year), and it seems the craft stores around here are closing shop a lot. Arts and crafts are definitely on my “when I retire I’d like to do that more” list.
Roses. I’d have an entire rose garden in my backyard if I could maintain it but alas, I limit myself to 4 bushes planted against the house. I love roses and enjoy growing them. In fact, I had to winterize them last weekend, and it was a little sad for me. Oh well. They need the winter dormancy to rest and growing season will come again, as it always does. And then I’ll enjoy those red, pink, purple and yellow blossoms again.
Firearms. I know that’s the exact opposite of arts and crafts and roses. It started when we took over my father-in-law’s guns when he was diagnosed with dementia. Rick and I decided that if we were having them in our home, then we wanted to know how to use and store them properly. I was also working on Blurry at the time, so this knowledge worked well with being a mystery writer. Plus, going to the range is good to improve hand-eye coordination. So see, it’s not all about “personal protection” and “home defense.” Those are good reasons, but I’m naturally a clumsy oaf, and handling firearms helps me to focus, and be less of the clumsy oaf that I naturally am.
Earth Sciences. I took a Geology course my senior year in college to complete my science requirements, and was surprised to find that I loved it! So much of the science classes I took focused on biology, and the earth sciences captivated me. That’s why I post stories from Discovery News a lot – the Earth itself is fascinating. It’s no mistake that my protagonist for Splinter is a geophysicist.
Hiking. I love to hike, especially in the mountains and in parks. It’s nice to escape the noise of everyday life to retreat to the quiet and beauty of nature. I think this is why I liked The Grand Canyon so much – no matter how many tourists were around chattering at the lookout points, there was a vastness that swallowed up the noise and sucked it into the quiet beauty of God’s creation. Like arts and crafts, I don’t have near enough time in my busy, full life for this, but I enjoy it a lot when I do.
See, I do have a wider variety of interests. So if you aren’t interested in talking about faith, writing, books, or birds, well, here are 5 other things that interest me.
That’s all today. Take care.