You know, we really should give thanks for our blessings every day. I know this is a special day set aside, but I truly believe the secret to abundance is to be thankful for what you have each and every day, and to do the best you can with it. After all, why should the Lord give you more when you aren't grateful for what you've got?
My life is full of blessings and I'm always thankful: For my husband and home, for family and my birds, for friends and a good job, for my writing and for my online connections. My life is filled to overflowing and I'm overwhelmed with how much I've been blessed and entrusted with.
In addition to Thanksgiving, it's also Dad's birthday. Happy birthday Dad (in picture with Mom above), and thanks for all you do for us! You always have been and always will be a sweet man :)
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!