Yes, it’s a shame for her to give up writing, but I disagree about it being a mistake. Better to break your dreams than yourself. And as much as we hate to admit it, the simple fact of the matter is that sometimes, you lose.
This isn’t popular in this “you can do anything” and “never give up” world we live in, but take one look at the American Idol auditions and I think we’ll all agree that we have a tendency to flatter ourselves into thinking we’re capable of much more than we really are. We’re human beings – not robots, not aliens, not cyborgs or superheroes or sorcerers or dragonslayers. It’s impossible to succeed at all we do and win every battle. Inevitably, the day comes when the world conquers you and you have to face the brokenness of the reality that you aren’t all that. Even heroes take their beatings. It’s how they learn what they’re up against and, invariably, how to win where it matters most.
Defeat happens, even when it shouldn’t. I think we’ve all been in situations where we think we’re capable of doing more than we really can, and we’re faced with making decisions that hurt. We’re told to hang in there and not to quit, but when the price is too high then it makes sense to take a step back and consider whether you need to be on this road. Resistance is natural, but destruction isn’t. As C.S. Lewis once wrote, if you realize you’re doing a math problem wrong, then forging ahead to the end won’t yield a right result. You only get the right result from going back and starting over. Proceeding from the point of an error is a mistake in and of itself. It takes prayer and a great deal of discernment to know if you’re facing natural resistance to the right path, or killing yourself (spiritually, at least) on the wrong one. And we’re very good at tricking ourselves into believing that anything we want badly enough is God’s will.
Or it may not be anything that we did wrong. Like the case with this writer, there may be nothing wrong with the path we’re on. We may do everything right, but things go wrong. Ecclesiastes 9:11 says it best: “I saw that under the sun the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the intelligent, nor favor to the skillful; but time and chance happen to them all.”
Sometimes, you lose. You just don't get it, and it hurts. The good news is that failure isn’t fatal. You live, you learn, you put one foot in front of the other until you find a better tomorrow. Sometimes, doing what’s right means a sacrifice that hurts terribly and seems all wrong. But it’s deceptive because the peace comes later, when we ourselves become the heroes that learn what we’re up against and find a greater victory.
That’s all today. Take care and have a great rest of the week.