The Grammarly Plug-In Extension on Chrome. We all know that spell check and grammar check functions on Word don’t catch a lot of errors. Enter Grammarly: a powerful editing tool that can save you time and embarrassment. Of course the paid version is best, but the free plugin extension works well, and has been a tremendous help in my life. This extension works on all of your apps, including email, cloud files, social media, and pretty much everything you do online. There’s still no substitute for a good proofreader, but this plugin extension has improved all of my writing, from general correspondence to my novels, tremendously.
Sticky Note App. I’m surprised at how many people don’t know there’s an app that lets you create electronic “sticky notes” for your computer desktop. If you do everything by computer, then this can save you money buying the paper version of sticky notes. Better yet, they don’t fall off your screen or need taping to stay in place.
Headspace Guide to Meditation (Netflix). If you like to meditate, then this interactive program on Netflix is a must. They’re guided meditations to help you relax, and are the way I finally learned how to bring meditation into my life on a regular basis. The meditations vary in length, from 3 minutes to 45 minute “sleep stories.”
Pluto. Check out this streaming channel for tons of free TV stations. This free app offers a wide variety of TV, and doesn’t require a subscription or charge a fee. A lot of it is older stuff, but you can find interesting things to watch, and even some great retro shows (for example, they have lots of special channels including an Addams Family channel, a Three’s Company channel, a “Bob Barker Era” The Price is Right channel, and Nosy with a lot of daytime talk shows). Check this app out the next time you’re channel surfing.
A Library Card. I’ve recommended this before and mention it again because your public library has tremendous potential, and everything is free. It’s not just books: you can check out digital content as well. A library card not only gives you access to the books, CD’s, and DVD’s in the local branches, but also gives you access to digital content on OverDrive, Hoopla, and Libby apps (these apps have ebooks, audiobooks, and streaming content). My last receipt from the library said I had saved nearly $2,500 checking out content from the library versus buying it. That doesn’t even take into consideration the classes, courses, and free programs they offer to the public. I know not all county libraries are created equally, but it’s worth checking yours out. Our library had a lot more than I realized!
We often don’t realize how much we have, and what a big help these little things can be. Take a look around, and see if there are other hidden gems you could be taking advantage of to make life easier and more fun.
That’s all today. Take care, and have a great week.