Paperback books – I love ebooks, but every now and then, it’s nice to have a paperback in your hands. They’re easy to keep up with, and aren’t subject to the limitations of ebooks like battery supply, memory storage, or the “please shut down all electronic devices” on airplanes. Hardbacks are a pain, too expensive, and too much space, weight, and trouble, but paperbacks can, sometimes, be the best of all worlds. Sometimes.
Compact Discs and DVD’s – While I love streaming media and MP3’s, it’s often cheaper to get a DVD or a CD (especially of older things, or of TV series, which run sales on DVD’s but never on streaming video). CD’s are a good backup for data storage, too. Yes, flash drives and external hard drives are better and have more storage capacity, and Cloud backup is nearly limitless. But it’s still a good option have available from time to time.
FM/AM Radio – Satellite radio is great, but frankly I object to paying for radio – especially when I appreciate the local perspective, news, traffic, etc. I’d be perfectly OK with keeping the old fashioned radio just like it is.
Watches – fewer and fewer people are using them, but it’s still more convenient to check that than check your phone. Or maybe it’s because wearing a watch is a lifelong habit of mine that I can’t seem to break, especially when I have several that were gifts and have sentimental value.
And I mourn the passing of:
Typewriters – it isn’t often, but sometimes computers have their moments and I’m tempted to raid my parents’ attic for my old Fisher Price typewriter. Face it, we haven’t gone 100% digital yet, and sometimes typewriters could provide a good “cheat” to make things look neat.
Cassette Tapes – if I could convert my cassettes to MP3’s, I could easily quadruple my music collection! They skipped a step! No fair! And it’s so hard to find a cassette player now that they’re all but obsolete.
Polaroid Cameras – I know camera phones take the best pictures of all, but it was just neat to see that picture come out and develop right in front of your eyes. I had one as a teen and loved it!
Floppy Discs – they had pitiful storage capacity, but the neat thing about them was that you could get them in colors, and color code your backup data. It brought some zing to your backup files. Pink for writing, green for finance, red for personal files, blue for work related data …
Yes, technology is great, but you have to admit that sometimes the quaintness is lost in progress. Oh well. I suppose upgrading means trade offs with sentimental value. But we adapt, all the time.
That’s all today. Take care, and have a good week.