Of course, I feel awful about it now. I had hoped to make some good progress with writing short stories this summer, but that didn’t happen (again). Busy season at work, the HVAC system breaking twice in a month, the dryer breaking, Rick transferring to a new school and then going into his busy time of year, and then the “birthday bonanza,” and it’s nearly Labor Day now.
On the other hand, I did finally research and write Domino, and develop a concept for another trilogy, which is no small feat given all of the above. In fact, I think it’s impressive that I was able to crank out a 20,000 word novella and start brainstorming my next book series despite my explosive life this summer (or perhaps the explosive summer is exactly what fueled the muse!). Still, there’s that part of me that feels I’ve missed the mark with short stories – again. It seems to keep happening. And still, I don’t give up. As they said on the Our Daily Bread devotional I heard on BBN this morning, when you get knocked down, you get up again. So I rise. Again. Better luck this fall.
That’s life. Sometimes, writers are forced to just live without the writing. It happens. I used to get bitter when it got like this, but lately I just try to chill out and consider instead how this diversion might fuel the muse one more time.
I do have one surprise for you this Labor Day weekend. The Earthside Trilogy is free this weekend on Kindle, so click the title for a link to it if you’re looking for a scifi read to start your fall. As a matter of fact, the series opens around this time of year. It’s a small thing, but sometimes I like to read books that take place during the same time of year I’m in. I call them my “timely tales.” Hey, we all have our quirks.
In closing, I’d like to offer prayers to the folks in the path of Hurricane Dorian. Keep an eye on that storm folks, and take care.
That’s all today. Take care. Have a Happy Friday and a wonderful Labor Day weekend.