1. When an egg breaks from the outside, the result is death. When it breaks from the inside, the result is life. That reminded me of a line from the song Where the Dead Ships Dwell that says "I won't let the world break me." I know that's a yin and yang comparison, but to me it's plenty relevant: your circumstances can break you, or you can break free of them. It's all a matter of perspective, and where you allow your primary influence to come from: within or without.
2. Sometimes you win. Sometimes you learn. It seems this goes in seasons, and the seasons of learning are usually longer than the seasons of winning. What I really like about this, though, is that it doesn't say you lose - because you don't have to. If you can be ok with learning, then you really can't lose, because every experience adds wisdom and equips you to do better later. We can learn from every experience, whether it ends out the way we hope/expect or not.
3. People who shine from within don't need the spotlight. And we go back to real things coming from the inside. This is a perfect time to hear this too, as May tends to be a whirlwind of celebrations, between graduations and Mother's Day. We do all have our "spotlight" moments, but true character comes when nobody's looking. Do you always need accolades and "atta-boys" to stay motivated, or do you do what's right because it's right? This is an issue I've addressed in this blog before, so there's no need to revisit it in length.
4. Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:3-4) I like this because it basically says that it's alright to be human beings, not humans doing. Too often, we think that we have to work and fight to get ahead, and wind out stressed out and weary. But this says that if we do what we're supposed to, then He will not only keep us safe, but bring the desires He planted in our hearts to pass. Wonderful, simple words of encouragement.
And as a bonus:
5. Once they figure a way to work a dead horse, we'll be next. Likely I'll be the first too. 'Edd,' they'll say, 'dying's no excuse for lying down no more, so get on up and take this spear, you've got the watch tonight." If you work, you know why that's funny. We all feel it sometimes, don't we? That tidbit is from A Sword of Storms, the third book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series. I thought it was hilarious and you'd appreciate it.
Good words to ponder, I believe. I hope they've inspired you as they have me over the past week.
That's all today. Take care, and have a great week.