That being said, I didn’t write Splinter to get back at anybody, or to air any dirty laundry. It is it’s own story that (somewhat) parallels my personal journey. Things have obviously settled, thanks in large part to a dedication to reach best ends and common goals on many parts. These events didn't just affect me, they affected a lot of other people as well. A lot of worlds were changed at that time, and I learned as much from watching others navigate this season of transition as I learned about myself. Change has a way of drawing things out that we don't realize, in ourselves and others.
It’s interesting to see this change in myself, and I hope it’s a demonstration of maturity as a writer, or even as a person. I know that tough season I faced three years ago caused me to re-evaluate how I deal with change and stress. I think that, in processing things, I turned to writing about the big, overriding issues to get a “big picture” perspective. I realize this isn’t exactly what mental health professionals mean by “writing out your problems.” I know they mean journaling, and writing in forms that only you see. But I don’t know. Straight out journaling seemed to make me feel worse by dwelling on and recounting on the things, people, and issues troubling me, but working on Splinter gave me comfort in creating a world where I could work it out without having to relive everything over and over. If the fictional account is something that readers enjoy and they find inspiration for pondering their own issues, then so much the better. Whiskey Creek Press did give me a publication contract for Splinter, after all, so it must touch on issues they felt would resonate and entertain readers.
At any rate, I shredded the journals and Splinter is getting published. You be the judge about which was the more effective way.
I do hope that Splinter entertains and inspires many readers when it’s released in 9 days. But more than that, I’m glad that the season of my life that gave birth to it has led to a better life for me and Rick, and given readers everywhere something they can enjoy (and maybe find some items to ponder in their own life) from now on. I also hope that whatever work this season of life inspires will do the same.
That’s all today. Have a great rest of the week.