Sad think is, I probably could have gotten a lot of good writing done if it weren't for this stupid writer's block. I decided to take a brief break after completing and publishing Incursion last week so I could "get myself together" and get focused on the two projects still in progress. Truth be told, it was a good idea, because I came up with a solution to my "show don't tell" conundrum in Nonstop to Nowhere, and I'm working on integrating a fix to that in the manuscript (I'm also still thinking about changing the title, but we'll see). As for Rearview Mirror, I think my problem is the setting - specifically, the time of year. I set the novel in January, and I just realized that I've never had a novel set in the winter. Blurry started in late February, but ran through the spring. The rest were in spring, summer, or fall. And really, winter isn't a very inspiring season. I wonder if I should tweak it a bit, to set it at least a month later, and perhaps even at the same time as Move to make it an even four years since the events of that novel. I'll consider this further. I have time since I plan to self publish it, and I really need to get Nonstop to Nowhere done first anyway, since it's on deadline for this summer.
At least I'm running on the right track with my writing, because all of these snow days have really throw me out of whack. I think some "cabin fever" has kicked in as well. That's rare for me, but I think it's happened. It was so good to get out just to get some lunch and run some errands today! I think this weird winter weather has all of us feeling a bit "off" and we'll get back on track soon. I'm just glad it's warming up and the sun is out.
Also, don't forget that I'm running a promotion for two more days on Incursion and Move . You can get Incursion for free at with Coupon Code VV76A and you can get Move 50% off at with Coupon Code AY42G. If you've never bought from Smashwords, it's easy. Just set up an account, and you can get ebooks in any format you wish - even PDF! So go pick up your copy today!
That's all today. Take care and have a great rest of the weekend.