The One Year Chronological Bible NIV – this is the study Bible I’m using this year, and it’s amazing. The New International Bible is my favorite because it’s easy to understand, and having the books organized in chronological order of events as they actually happened and were written makes understanding The Bible so much easier. Plus, the readings are short and only take 10-15 minutes per day (or less in some cases). I not only highly recommend this version of The Bible, but say it’s a must have for those of us that do daily Bible readings. Definitely add this version to your shelf!
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne – this book doesn’t just extol the power of positive thinking, it tells how it works and how to make it work for you. Although this isn’t a religious book, I’ve read many Christian titles that talk about the exact same principles in a Biblical context, and I’ve even had Christian therapists give me some of the exact same advice that’s in this book. Plus, it’s a short, quick read, and if you don’t like to read then there’s a DVD version that says the exact same things as the book does. I’ve often said that changing your thinking can change your life, and this book and/or DVD tell you how to do that. It can change your life in great ways, so go get it. Now.
A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin – if you’re a fantasy fan, this book series is a must read. There are currently five books in the series, but do yourself a favor and buy the entire series, because you’re going to be hooked quick. This is the book series that the HBO series Game of Thrones is based on, and the TV series follows the books well. I’ll warn you that it’s not for the faint of heart, but if you like fantasy then you aren’t the faint of heart type anyway. Reading this book series is an amazing endeavor and you’re going to love it. My only gripe is that The Winds of Winter isn’t out yet, because I want to know what happens next!
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie – this book should be a must read for everybody in the workforce, especially people in management positions or above. Yes, it’s an older book, but the principles in it are timeless and still stand up to modern psychology and human relationships. If people took even a quarter of the advice in this book, the whole world would be a better place, and definitely more pleasant. Don’t let the title make you shy away, because it’s a great book that more people definitely need to read.
The Elements of Style by William Strunk – every writer needs to brush up on grammer and style rules on a regular basis, and this brief guide is the perfect thing. Plus, it was updated last year, so you know it has the most relevant and current information available. A must have on every author’s shelf!
How to Write a Short Story that Works by Michael Allen – if you write short stories, this is the only book you need. I’ve read a lot of guides on writing better short stories, but this is the most comprehensive and has the best advice of how to write a good, solid short story. It’s a bit more expensive for an ebook (about $10) but its well worth it.
I’m always reading, so of course my list of “must reads” is in a state of constant growth. If you’re interested in following the books I read, feel free to connect with me on Goodreads.
That’s all today. Take care. Have a Happy Friday tomorrow and a wonderful weekend.