For example, today I learned that people look at you funny if you go to McDonalds wearing a leather jacket. I didn't think anything of it but then again, I don't go out to lunch by myself very much. Boy, did I feel like Waldo. And why? Why can't I be dressed nice for work and decide to have a quarter pounder and fries?
I don't know. I guess we all profile people from time to time. It's one thing to write about it but somehow, it's still a bit jolting when it happens.
It's not just that - I find myself noticing little things. LIke the fact that I've seen them use wine glasses just like we have on The Americans several times. We do. Those gold rimmed wine glasses look just like a set I got at Fred's for a Christmas party a few years ago. Come to think of it, I think I saw them using some juice glasses just like we got for a wedding gift nearly 15 years ago. Hey, this show takes place in the 80's but they have stuff like we have now? What's up with the time warp?
I also noticed that my computer at work is running a bit slower, that my car needs an oil change and the tires balanced and rotated (oops), that I can call more things out of the Code of Laws for my professions than I realized, that there is a way to insert documents into a Word file (but it might not be pretty if it's a pdf), that I'm not as behind on reviewing books as I thought I was (or in securing reviews for my latest release), that my hair has grown a lot faster than I thought it would over the past year, and that I probably post more on social media than people probably care for. I'm trying to bring that last one into balance.
Yes, I suppose I could say that the details matter more in reality than then do in fiction. Maybe. It depends on the plot and word count.
Time will tell that tale, I suppose.
Well, that's all today. I'm just plugging along every day - and trying to refill the inspiration well for my muse in the meantime.
Have a Happy Friday and a good weekend.