So, what shall I blog about today? Supernatural and Arrow started new seasons this week. Both were impressive and show promise. I wish CW would have kept both shows back to back on the same night like last season, but no - they shift Supernatural AGAIN to give another show that looks pitiful a chance. I swear, I think CW wishes they could kill Supernatural. They treat it like their disposable hero of prime time TV, and I think the ratings show they have a strong enough following that they shouldn't play around with. As for other shows - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and The Tomorrow People, failed to impress me. It looks like the tried and true favorites continue to deliver, and the new ventures aren't working out this season. Oh well, I don't need to watch a lot of TV anyway. I heard that The Americans was picked up for a second season, but I haven't heard any more about when it will start. I guess we'll see.
I could tell you about the book I just finished. Well, I actually didn't finish it. I was reading Greg Bear's Eon, but I had a little trouble staying interested in it. I didn't realize it was written in 1985, and the discrepancies between the future he envisioned and what's actually happened were too much for me. According to Goodreads, I got about 80% through it before I decided heck with it. They were revealing their "ultimate plan for resolution," so I skipped to the end to see if it worked. I'm still not sure, but I am sure that the book had no chance of redeeming itself with me. So I gave up. I actually put it on the giveaway table at work. I'm thinking about going by The Book Dispensary, a secondhand bookstore near my work, during my lunch break tomorrow. You better believe I'll check those copyright dates if I do buy anything. I rarely give up on a book, but it happens.
Zack and Chloe are molting. I think Chloe's molt is ending, and Zack's is starting. They usually molt close together, and this is a first time their molts have overlapped. The house looks like a couple of gold feather bombs have gone off. Seriously, I'm finding gold feathers everywhere. One interesting thing: Ollie molted a month ago, and I noticed that he and Zack tend to lose a lot of feathers over a short period of time, while Chloe molts more gradually - it's fewer feathers, but her molts last a little longer. It's like the girl goes for the delicate, dignified feather transition, and the boys go for a whole coat feather drop. Whatever works for them, I suppose.
Okay folks, if I haven't convinced you that life is ho-hum these days by now, then it can't be done. But let's pray it lasts a bit longer. Frankly, I could use the break. Being me is exhausting sometimes and if I can slow the pace to catch up with life, I'm grateful.
That's all today. Have a Happy Friday tomorrow and a great weekend.