Don't worry. This entry won't be a rant. There's no need for that anyway, because it won't change things. Human nature has been the same since Adam and Eve, and people still don't get it. No amount of talk, blogging, or preaching is going to pound it through stubborn human skulls. So I'll not waste my time going there. What I will ask is, what do you do for comfort when you don't feel well, or when people, circumstances, or life itself is wearing you out?
Some people turn to comfort food. I think it's natural to turn to tried and true favorites, but since I don't have any "favorite" type of food, then this is an elusive target for me. Some turn to drinking, but again, too much of that leaves you feeling worse, and the last thing I want to do when I'm down is beat myself. As much as I talk about whiskey and wine, I know my limits and am certainly mindful to not cross them.
Hobbies are a good thing to turn to. I usually turn to my writing, but this massive case of writer's block has that out of the running right now. And I don't care what people say, writer's block is as real as burnout. The people that say it's a myth and that it's just being diverted by other things are usually novices that have no idea what they're talking about (they probably do the "write every day even if it's crap" thing, which is another bad idea because quality does matter greatly over quantity). So I find myself, sick and frustrated, looking to other ways to settle my frazzled mind. Reading is the next natural fall back, and I certainly plan to do that. Watching favorite movies and TV shows is another one, and those DVD sets of Game of Thrones and Arrow might come in handy now.
There isn't a right answer to what comforts you in trying times, but I do think it's an indication that you need to slow down, and maybe even drop out of the hustle and bustle of the world for a while. When you've had all you can take, there's nothing wrong with saying "no more," and pulling the plug. Even for a little while. Sometimes you have to say screw the world, I'm taking care of myself. Because you're no good to the world if you're teetering on the edge anyway, and taking a time out today might mean the difference between a peaceful negotiation and a butt-kicking throw down tomorrow.
So where do you find comfort in trying times? It might be worth it to consider it now, or at least at a time when you don't need it. Because the holidays are coming, and the pure stress of the most wonderful time of the year will be pounding on you all too soon.
That's all today. Take care, and have a great week.