I thought most girls preferred pink. They certainly did when I was little. But when I grew up, it seemed to change. I couldn’t believe the hard time I had finding pink bridemaids dresses when I got married almost 14 years ago. Rick always said I seem to prefer pink more than any other woman he knows. I didn’t think much of it until this past weekend, when we went to the gun and knife show. I was looking for a small pistol since I recently obtained my CWP that would be easy to carry. Lo and behold, I found one. And it happened to be pink. The people selling it to me suppressed snickers. Well suck it, I thought. I’m carrying it and it fits my needs. If it happens to be pink, well, that’s a nice bonus. Just like the computer, mouse and cell phone case above. Rick didn’t say anything about it, only to get what I want.
A few days later, we had another incident. Our female parrot’s toenails got long. I discovered that the “pedicure perch” we have in her cage to file her nails was wearing down, so I replaced it. Problem was, she didn’t like
the replacement. See, the old perch was pink, but the replacement was pastel green. No big deal, I thought. She never seemed to have a color preference before.
Except I was wrong. Turns out my feathery little girl likes pink about as much as I do. I stuck to my guns for a couple of days saying well, I can’t spoil her. But the look in her eyes seemed accusing. You hypocrite, her gaze seemed to say, with all your pink stuff and denying it to me. I know it was my imagination. Her thoughts were probably more along the lines of wanting her old familiar perch and not this strange thing. But still, I felt chastised. And this made me think. It was yesterday when I talked to my mother, who also likes pink, that set me straight.
“A pink gun?” she asked. “Really?”
“Really,” I said. “It suits my needs.”
“I think you’ve gone too far with the pink thing, Sherri,”she said. Then she gave me a present from the recent spring craft show – a bracelet with pink pearls. I found the irony amusing.
Ok, I admit it. Maybe I have gone too far with the pink thing. I mean, it’s not like everything in my life is pink. I haven’t decorated a single room of our house in pink, and my car is green. But I have to admit that when it comes to my personal stuff: My laptop, my phone, most of my clothes, my accessories – yes, I gravitate toward pink. I guess most girls outgrew it and I just didn’t.
I don’t intend to get rid of my pink stuff, of course. It makes sense for my favorite things to be pink. But I believe it’s time to incorporate different colors into my life. I picked a blue writing tablet and sticky notes (over pink, which was available) at work day before yesterday. My work computer is set to yellow tulip wallpaper, and my profile on the desktop at home is sporting red wallpaper. I’m wearing white and blue today. And I just noticed that my pink and white treadmill shoes will soon need replacing, so I will get a different color this time. My pink rehab is progressing nicely. It may take a lot of self discipline, but I will endeavor to bring different colors into my life.
And as for Chloe, I cut her a break. We clipped her toenails and I not only found another pink perch, but I put a pink toy in her cage as well. As you can see in the picture below, she’s quite happy with it.
That's all for today. Happy Friday to you. Have a great weekend.