Writing wise, I’ve turned to promotion lately. The summer gets slow for this, but I have found a few things. I put Move on a summer sale at Smashwords through August 1. Go to https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/286425 and enter Coupon Code WW75A to get it for $1.50. I have a blog tour lined up for mid-July, and it’s also my way of thanking you for putting up with my miscellaneous ramblings while I work on the sequel to that novel. I hope to publish Obsidian by the holidays, so you can load up your phone/tablet apps or ereaders with a new offering for 2015. So get Move now, and now, and get ready for the adventure to continue in late 2014/early 2015.

Before you ask, she’s not an Ollie replacement. She’s just around a lot and it made sense to have a way to identify her, and names are handy like that. She gets the supper scraps we put outside every night, and dry cat food on nights that we eat out. That’s life in the woods. Animals come, animals go, and that’s the circle of life. Rick is allergic to cats and we did encroach on their territory when we built out here, so we try to make their lives a little easier by providing some food here and there.
In other news, everything else is about the same. No news is good news, so I won’t complain. Really, there isn’t much to report since I’ve been sick this week. Oh well, a slow week never killed anyone. Nobody I know anyway.
That’s all today. Take care. Have a happy Friday tomorrow and a wonderful weekend.