Actually, I started learning stuff sooner than that. My formal introduction was in my fifth grade gifted class. The teacher called it "history," but in truth we were handed a stack of ghost stories and the history of the Salem Witch Trials. So for the entire month of October, I learned about the origin of ghost stories and witchcraft. At least, the basics. Plus, some family friends stopped in Salem, Massachusetts on their way to Niagra Falls, and they brought me home a souvenir: a devil's trap. Oh, I didn't know that's what it was at the time (I don't think they did, either). They said it was a good luck charm that would ward off evil spirits. I wore that thing for years. My family thought oh, a neat gift, and a neat coincidence that you got it while learning history. My friends freaked out. But me being me, I wore it anyway and loved it. It wasn't until years later when I was watching Season 1 of Supernatural when I saw one on the show and said "um, I've had that since I was 10 years old."
I learned about the spirit world young, and here we are. So now, I'd like to offer you some friendly advice. Have fun on Halloween, but realize that this is the time when the Celtics believed the spirit world is closest to our own. You better believe that the devil and his minions are driving people like a redneck driving a rental car, so take care and be aware. And if you happen to have a Circle of Solomon to keep those evil drivers outta your soul, then wear that sucker tomorrow. If somebody starts screaming "OMG, THAT'S DEVIL WORSHIP STUFF!" and runs off screaming then just shrug and say wow, this really does work. They're gone! Seriously, anybody screaming at a sigil has problems that you don't need.
So there's a fun Halloween story and some helpful advice for you this All Hallow's Eve. Use it for good and have a fun day out there, folks.
That's all today. Take care and: