It’s like that with some things in life. We talk about not settling for mediocrity and we certainly should strive for our best, but we can’t be the best at everything. We can’t fall entirely to one side or the other of a polar issue, either. That’s just not a practical or balanced way to be. We have to choose what matters, and let go of what is less of a priority to us. In life, there are going to be places where we fall somewhere in the middle, and while it isn’t popular, it’s the best path to a balanced life.
For example, politics. You don’t hear me say much about them because I’m a radical moderate. While I lean more toward the conservative end, the truth is that I’m not entirely on one side or the other. I’ve voted Republican, Democrat, and even Independent. Honestly, I think the most effective government would be a blend of all of the above, to cover all needs. But there will always be a majority, and our reality will lean toward whatever that is at the time. Perhaps that’s why a lot of people are so uncomfortable with my inability to choose one side “for once and for all.” People get quite polarized over politics and while it’s nice to be able to see both sides, it can also leave you isolated because some people see an ally of none as a threat to all. And that’s too bad, because it’s a big world out there, and there’s room for us all, from one end to the other.
Another example is my cross stitching and crafting. I told somebody last week that the friend who taught me how to cross stitch won “Best in Show” at the State Fair in 2007, but I’m not quite so ambitious. I was thrilled with my red ribbon (second place) in 2015 for the Jesus cross stitch. It would be nice to win a blue ribbon (first place) one year, but the truth is that I’d rather have my novels reach readers and become best sellers than the blue ribbon. My primary focus is on being the best writer I can be and reaching readers. The stitching and other crafting is about creative expression in a different way when I’m taking a break from writing. I don’t have to be the best to stay motivated. Sure, I occasionally get pressure to do more, bigger, or better. But I’m happy with what I can do, and that’s enough.
Certainly, we should strive for our best, but we need priorities. If you’re true to yourself and what matters, then you’ll know where to direct your energy and focus, and that will lead you into a happy, well balanced life. You don’t always have to choose or be the best at all things. You just have to know what’s right for you. And in many things in life, that will be somewhere in the middle.
That’s all today. Take care, and have a great rest of the week.