Clearly, I’m not the only one who thinks the entire concept of ‘influencers’ is stupid. It’s just that most people are afraid to laugh too loud, because they’re afraid to piss off the high money advertisers enabling this nonsense. Or maybe they aren’t entirely opposed to it, because deep down they want somebody to tell them what to think, say, do, like, and be. What was it that Loki said in one of the Avengers movie about freedom being a lie, and people wanting to be led?
It’s the old battle between wanting to be authentic and wanting approval. As a sci-fi writer, it seems to me that the purpose of humanity is to grow and evolve. We’ve certainly achieved the technology do move into the next step, as discussions of AI sentience and it’s role in society are growing discussions. The problem is that for every opportunity, there’s resistance. Fear is a powerful motivator, and it seems that fear over not having control is the biggest one pressing down on us. Yet whose really in control? I have to ask how we expect to send people to Mars – or even the moon again – when we let the opportunity to redefine the world we live in slip away in a desperate attempt to “be normal” again after the COVID lockdowns ended.
Before you say “Sherri, you don’t get it,” I’ll tell you that I certainly don’t. If the pandemic didn’t change you, then there’s something wrong because something that big and tragic should have. That was a call to action, or at least a call to adjust our attitude. Some of us rose to it and grew around our tragedies. Some didn’t. I’ll leave the opinion of where the majority fall to you. Better yet, I’ll challenge you to determine where you fall on that spectrum.
It seems the easiest thing to do is pray and be obedient to what the Spirit prompts you to do, but I guess that’s too simple for this world so we ask others what’s right. The only thing I’ve asked lately is how Moff Gideon’s plan to grow force-sensitive clones was supposed to work – but given the end of that episode and that there’s a bigger baddie in the outer rim coming in August, I suppose that point is moot anyway. So there went my only question for the ‘influencers.’ Oh well. I have fewer distractions now that my season finales have dropped, which is good because I have writing to work on. The block is gone and the muse is back, so it’s time to get wicked again.
That’s all today. Take care, and have a great rest of the week.