For example, taking care of myself while Rick was in the hospital sometimes meant I got a salad for lunch, instead of whatever the hospital was serving on the grill. Or fighting the urge to overload on caffeine and drink water instead. It meant careful time management, even when he came home to continue his recuperation, and setting realistic priorities. Yes, I did need to make sure I got enough sleep and rest, but I also felt better knowing that life was still flowing to the best of my ability.
But that’s not all. Self care also means doing what you need to establish consonance in your life. It meant continuing rewrites on Singularity my other writing work. It means returning to my workouts. It means taking time with Rick and the birds, talking to family and friends, and yes even settling in the recliner under the fleece blanket to read a book or watch TV. Self care isn’t always about rest. Often, it’s about intentional decisions and carefully managed activity to keep the flow going.
It's not easy when life has been derailed, but that’s reality. The key is to have the grace to accept ourself as the protagonist of our life and our story in this world.
That’s all today. Have a Happy Friday, a wonderful weekend, and a Happy Resurrection Day.