I have to admit that I have no room to talk. I have a NOAA weather radio sitting on the vanity in the bedroom. I had to turn the alarm off because it scared the poop out of the birds one day when it went off while we were out. But I have to admit, it's useful to see those watch and warning lights and the scrolling messages. Sometimes that catches my eye when I'm passing through the room, when I've been too busy doing other things to keep an eye on the push notification on my phone. As much as we love technology, it seems that Rick and I are still hung up on old tech when it comes to getting the weather.
I don't know how many members of Generation X would admit it, but I bet many of us hang on to old tech in one way or another. We were, after all, the generation that was growing up while computers were going through their exponential growth phase. I love technology and can't deny that it's made life a lot easier, but there's some charm in the old ways. I grew up with my brother having a weather radio in the house and Rick grew up watching the radar stations. Yes, we love the weather apps on our phones and refer to it every day - but let some clouds run in and we like to double check with our tried and true favorites.
So be honest: how many of you have a closet full of cassette tapes? You may rarely use them, but I bet you don't want to let them go, either. Personally, I'm hoping they find a way to convert my tapes to MP3's one day. Our music collection would easily quadruple if we could do that. And maybe one day, it will be possible. There are services that can covert VHS tapes to DVD. Who knows what's next? It is fascinating, in a way. We grew up in a time where this was everyday life, and now we can't imagine how we made it that way.
So, what old tech are you holding on to? Be honest - you know it's something. That is, after all, why it's still around.
That's all today. Have a Happy Friday tomorrow and a great weekend.