I’m bad about washing my car, too. I hate car washes. They’re terrifying. I’d just as soon walk through the basement of a funeral home and take my chances on what I might stumble upon than go through a car wash. When it must be done, I go to great lengths to find ones that don’t have those awful tracks that you have to line up your tires with, because they’re neigh on impossible when you have a wide track car, like I do (I drive a 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix, if you remember Pontiac). Garages are a pretty good cheat for this, because they keep your car covered most of the time. But still, you have to go out – that’s why you have a car – and so it gets dirty. Blah.
I’m not always good about taking my vitamins, and my doctor busted me on that one when I had my physical on Tuesday. Turns out, I really do need extra Vitamin D, and I don’t get outside enough. Well, no wonder I had so many aches and got sore easy. She gave me a booster, and I started feeling better within 24 hours. I suppose I’ll be working on that one. Not that I’m likely to forget again. If I hurt, I forgot it. Easy enough.
No, I haven’t been on the treadmill lately. I’ve been taking my walks outside during lunch hours and breaks at work, because we have a walking path in my office complex. Then I got a sinus infection from the excessive pollen. What the crap? So I have a Vitamin D deficiency from not getting out enough, and a sinus infection from getting out too much in the pollen? Now you see why I’m crazy.
I’m not a morning person. The alarm clock is actually set for 15 minutes before I really need to get up, and I use those 15 minutes almost every day. My life would be a lot easier if I were, or at least less of a struggle. Changing my work schedule 30 minutes later has helped tremendously. I have to deal with 5:00 traffic, but it’s made my mornings so much easier that I must admit the benefits of the trade off.
I gave Ollie’s toys to Chloe. Most of them were suitable for small to medium birds, and Chloe needed more toys, so she racked up. She loves them, too. But I wasn’t playing favorites. Zack has a lot of toys, and he’s so destructive that we have to get him medium/large bird toys if we want them to last more than 36 hours. So yes, we recycle bird toys. I also finally learned what kind of toys Chloe likes, so that will make shopping for her a lot easier. They really do have unique preferences and their own personality. Don’t ever let people tell you that animals don’t have character. They do.
I read that book The Secret this week. It’s a quick read, so I was able to squeeze it in with my own writing activities. I read it because Rick streamed the video version of this earlier this week. I have to tell you, it’s quite impressive. And it’s not really a secret, either. People have been trying to tell me this stuff for years. It’s been coming at me abundantly; especially in the past 4-5 years. Even pastors and therapists have told me this, and encouraged me to embrace it. I don’t know why it was so hard for it to sink in. Changing your thinking is difficult, but not impossible, and I don’t know why I was so hard headed about accepting a simple truth. But this book made it so easy to understand, and it finally clicked. It is true that “as a man thinks in his heart, so he is” (Proverbs 23:7). So congratulations, universe. I finally get it!
See, I’m not afraid to admit to my own idiosyncrasy and faults. I have them, just like everybody else, and I don’t fear them. I am what I am, and I don’t fear them. Plus, knowing is half the battle. It’s a lot easier to work with things when you realize they’re there.
That’s all today. Have a Happy Friday and a great weekend.