Well fellows, I have good news for you. We aren't all that complicated. There is a very simple way to a woman's heart, but I'm afraid you aren't going to like it. The way to win our heart isn't through expensive jewelry, romantic dates, or exotic vacations.
The way to a woman's heart is to help with the housework. I'm serious. Take just 1 thing off her "to do" list, and you're her knight in shining armor.
Yes, I hear the groaning. I recently read an article on happy couples and how they express love for one another and one major finding of the study was that no matter how much husband's loved and adored their wives, they still weren't any more likely to chip in with the housework any more than they absolutely had to. It's a shame too. I know it's distasteful fellows, and it's awfully convenient to have a companion and life mate that takes care of those annoying things like housecleaning, chores and errands - but you're consciously passing up a great opportunity to win the admiration and add to the love your mate, and it wouldn't even take that much. Take it from a woman that just spent all day cleaning the house. I swooned when I went upstairs and saw that Rick had already put the clean sheets on the bed. It was that simple! No diamonds. No steak dinner. No flowers. He did one chore for me. And I can tell you the things he helps me with around the house endears him to me just as much as all the compliments, praise, romantic dates, dinners, jewelry, flowers, and electronics that he's ever given me.
That's all it would take, fellows. If you see she's having a busy or rough day just take out the trash, or empty the dishwasher, or fold the towels, or put the dirty cup in the dishwasher. I can tell you for a fact that I swoon over Rosie the Robot maid on The Jetsons more than any guy on TV or in the movies. Why on earth have we not invented a robot maid in real life yet? That would make my life so much easier!
So guys, that's it. No mystery or intrigue. Take one things off our "to do" list and that makes you a superhero to us. Take two things off the list, and it might be your lucky day. Or night. Because eliminating stress from our lives makes us very grateful, and very happy.
That's all for today. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.