Most people are excited about the prospect of a new year, and I'm no different. While I've surpassed the urge to make resolutions, I do find myself taking stock of where I am and considering what I can do better in the new year. New things to try that I've been talking about but not doing. Taking stock and making appropriate adjustments in relationships and situations. Considering what I can stand to improve. This year, I'm feeling an urge to expand and reach more people, both personally and through my writing. There are many ways this can be done, and it's an exciting prospect. I'm hopeful that 2019 will see me break out of some ruts and make some significant progress in all areas of my life.
I believe that New Year's Eve and New Year's Day are some of my favorite days of the year. There's something about closing out the old and starting new, with a clean slate. I think a lot of us like that. One thing I like in particular is New Year's morning. The world is always so still and quiet, like it's peacefully open to all opportunity. I like to go in our upstairs sitting room for prayers, and to restart my daily Bible reading on Genesis 1:1. Then I move on to message my best friend on Twitter and work on a writing project, or reading. I know, that's no different from what I do every other morning when I don't have to be to work, but there's something special about it on January 1. It's like I'm embracing the silence to invest in two things that are my foundation: my faith, and my creativity. Thanksgiving and Christmas are about family and the contentment of the holiday season wrapping up gives me the joy and creative spark to enter the new year right.
I hope that you all have a safe and Happy New Year. Thanks for being great friends and for your support. I pray that 2019 will bring us all love, joy, peace, prosperity, favor, and blessing on our life path.
God Bless You and Happy New Year 2019!