The first was my novella, Quarantine. This was actually the first serious piece of fiction I wrote. It's about four women that work that find themselves quarantined in the administrative office of a hospital after a quarantine kills another employee and sickens the rest of the staff. The illness, a bacterial form of pneumonia, was actually spread through flu shots given two weeks prior - and they find out that it may be no accident that a tainted batch was give to their staff. While locked in the office, they discover that there's a shady history behind their nice little office and discover that an infection might not be the least of their concerns.
Quarantine is available through Smashwords at https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/88323 and through Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/author/sherrimoorer and is only $0.99. If you're looking for a short mystery read that packs a quick punch, this is the story for you.

That's all for today. The maintanance guy for the HVAC unit just left so alas, I must head in to work now. I hope you all have a great day and a good end to the week. Enjoy fall! We're getting into the best days of it.