There is one thing they left off, and I feel it’s important. Perhaps they skipped it because they knew they were pushing boundaries, and this item would turn people completely off, or maybe it was deleted by accident or political correct pressure. Whatever the case, I feel like the item they forgot is my key to my success.
The most critical item to a successful life is obedience to the Holy Spirit. Do what it says to do quickly and in faith, and all things truly do work out for good in the end. It’s a natural spiritual law.
That doesn’t mean that everything is rosy. The past two years of my life are a testament that random crap happens all the time, and you can’t control it. Obedience to the Holy Spirit shines a light on the path of least resistance through all times, places, and circumstances. It shows you the path of least resistance and opportunity to continue on the journey, remain in the Lord’s will, and fulfill your purposes in life (I also don’t believe we only have one purpose. We’re multi-dimensional spirits and serve boundless purpose while we live in this world.)
It’s not hard to tap into this power. In fact, it’s why I often recommend regular Bible reading, prayer, and meditation. As C.S. Lewis wrote, faith isn’t a static thing. It’s continuing to believe and do what’s right despite your feelings. If you don’t act on it daily, it dies. So does the voice of the Holy Spirit. Ignore it long enough, and it will go away.
One thing about being the baby of the family is that everybody is always telling you what to do. It doesn’t take long to discern motives and intentions in all of that “advice.” In fact, it’s more obvious to us than it is to others. One thing this baby of my family can tell you is that God is the only one with a 100% success rate. He is always right, works in perfect timing, and works for my greatest good.
If you are of other spiritual beliefs, then I encourage you to tap into the equivalent of your intuition. This is the most powerful and underused resource humanity has, and it’s so simple to use. It’s your link to the higher power that can see more than you can see and will never lead you wrong. You’d be a fool not to use it.
Of course this is in the category of more “advice,” but I’m often asked how I do all that I do. This is the answer. I know people hope I can tell them how to have mad organizational, time management, creative, and administrative skills, but those are all on a sliding scale of natural ability and work. Obedience to the Holy Spirit is equal for all of us. It isn’t a popular thing, but you’re always listening to somebody, whether you realize it or not. The voices never stop. You just decide which ones to listen to. I made my choice that the favor of God means more than the favor of man. What’s your choice?
I'm not one of those competitive types who believe that you have to lose for me to win. I believe we live in a universe of abundance, and there's plenty for everybody. That's why I'm sharing this: I want to shine a light on this knowledge so everybody can take advantage of it. Life is meant to be joyful and abundant. Don't you want every tool at your disposal to make it that way? Don't you want to see and help others on the journey? It really is the easier way.
That’s all today. Stay safe. Have a Happy Friday tomorrow and a wonderful weekend.