The same, but not. This time, we don’t fear disease, we fear a man determined to make the world burn if he doesn’t get his way. I’m not sure that’s much better. There are no vaccines or quarantines that can save you from that. Then again, there’s been plenty of crazy to go around these past couple of years since COVID came on the scene. Is it a stretch to believe that a world leader cracked? I think not. See my last entry. We’re all a little mad here. The difference is who’s functional. And, of course, who has resources to make their personal crazy known to the world.
Perhaps I’m overstating the case, or drawing connections where there are none. I tend to do that. I’m a writer, after all. I see stories everywhere, and to me this weird sense of déjà vu is one more antagonist in the same tale, continuing to unfold. The last antagonist was a virus that could kill us. This one has his finger on the ‘nuke’ button. Not good.
It’s disturbing to see what’s happening in Ukraine but, much like with COVID, there’s little that the average person can do besides pray and behave like decent human beings with some sense. Which is scary, because that seems to be declining in society. I guess everybody’s patience is worn with the pleasantries, or perhaps the isolation degraded or social skills. Again, another “which way” adventure to determine that reason.
I don’t know what it will take to get us back to “normal,” of if this is it. Russia was a problem when I was a kid. The last flu pandemic killed my great-grandmother and one of Granddaddy’s brothers. It seems to me that this is an indication of the wheel of time turning one more round. I suppose the challenge is how our generation rises to it. We’re definitely in reactive mode now. I’m not sure when or if we’ll get to a proactive approach to life.
That’s all today. Take care, and have a great rest of the week.