Oh well. Go me!
Actually, I can chuckle because I’ve learned through personal struggles over the past few years that far less is personal than we imagine. In fact, very little is personal, because the things other people say are a 0% reflection on you and 100% reflection on them. Sure, you’re entitled to your opinion. It may be right, or it may be wrong. The ultimate authority is with the Lord. I’m not worried about what others think, because you can ask a million people and get a million different answers and perspectives, and THAT is a quick path to madness because you can’t make everybody happy. We’re all unique. We all work differently. Not all things are equal. But there is one fundamental fact that applies to every individual in the world:
You are a part of creation, not the center of it.
So let’s get over ourselves already, and focus more on fulfilling our purpose and supporting each other in fulfilling their purpose in creation. It’s all connected, so let’s connect the best way we can, with joy, mercy, grace, wisdom, discernment, and love.
It’s not personal, even if others try to make it so. At least, I’m not taking things that hard. Some people like me. Some don’t. But you know what? I have my own ideas about people. Wisdom and discernment is knowing how to handle that and move on.
I try to be a good Christian, but my spunky, mischievous nature throws people off sometimes. At least my own intentions are good. My purpose in all I do is to encourage people to think for themselves, to be authentic, and to find and spread good inspiration to others in every role I serve. Maybe I’m a good ambassador for Christ for some. Maybe I’m the anti-Christ for others. But at least I’m me, I’m honest about being me, and I am what I am by the grace of God, and His grace toward me is not in vain. And I’m trying my best to extend that grace to others.
Lord, help me to stand. Drama is better in fiction than it is in reality – unless you can turn it to gain wisdom and humor yourself, as I have chosen to do today.
That’s all today. Take care, and have a great rest of the week.