Once that’s done, I’ll immediately move on to rewrites for Trigger based on the beta read. That novel takes place at the same time as Metamorphosis and Emergence, and is connected to the events in The Earthside Trilogy. I don’t think it will need extensive rewrites, but it definitely needs some “tightening up,” and a new title.
I’ve also been batting around ideas for another scifi/mystery novel that I’ve tentatively titled Domino. I’ve written some bits and pieces and hoped to develop a full rough draft soon, but I think that might have to wait until the fall, or even next year. The other 2 scifi novels in progress came back from the beta readers needing more work that I anticipated, and I feel in the Spirit that I need to finish these two writing projects before I get involved in another one. I’ll keep taking notes and writing what I can on Domino, but it looks like this project will have to wait for a while. That’s alright. I need to stay balanced to make sure everything I write is the best it can be. I can’t produce good quality if I’m juggling too many novels-in-progress, especially with the whole rest of my life happening!
I’m just happy to be writing again. A self imposed hiatus is one thing, but being forced to take one due to a full schedule was frustrating. I tried to combat that by promoting and entering contests or submitting for reviews, and it helped. I think all writers get cranky when life gets in the way of our writing. It’s inevitable that it will sometimes, of course. Very few of us can do this full time and have to balance it with a home, job, family, and all the other things that make up a life.
That’s all today. Take care, and have a great rest of the week.