Do you know why you’re so miserable? Because you talk all the time, but you don’t think or do anything about it! I read a post Tuesday that said “if you’re a member of the NRA, then you’re the problem.” No dear, you are. We’ve put our money, opinion, and voice into action on our convictions. Better yet, we went a step further and voted in the last election. What have you done? Besides talk, complain, and jabber on to offend those with opinions different from yours? I don’t need to talk about my opinions. Actions speak louder than words, and I make sure my actions match my convictions so I have time to do other things with my daily life instead of talking all the time. Like minding my own business. Going to work. Taking care of myself and my home, and spending time with family and friends. Paying my bills. You know, all that stuff that you say is most important in life, but you sit behind a screen seething with indignant fury over strangers who have the nerve to see the world differently than you do?
If you want to stop being so miserable, then stop focusing on what you think is wrong. Consider what’s right, and do something constructive about it. Protests do nothing but breed more negative energy that expands the problem. With all of the rhetoric out there, then logic would dictate that there should be a lot of people joining volunteer organizations in alignment with their beliefs. A lot of people should be registering to vote in the next election – or better yet, volunteering on campaigns for candidates whose views match their own. A lot of people should be applying for jobs in the government where their day to day work contributes to the peace and betterment of society. Colleges and universities should be bursting at the seams with people in majors for business, administration, law, medicine, and government affairs. Put this talk into action, and we should have a Utopian society within the next 10-15 years. We’re poised to really make a difference if we’ll shift our focus from wrong to right. All it takes is a shift from negative talk to positive action. It's that simple.
But how often does logic actually dictate? And so, the coming years will tell the tale on whether we’re people of action or conviction. Because actions do speak louder than words, and right now, they’re saying absolutely nothing.
I was going to do a fun blog today about October and Halloween, but if everybody else is going to scream about their opinion then by golly, you need a glimpse at how this looks from the outside. If you’ve read this far, then now you know. And I pray that next week I can write the blog I wanted to write today. But today, somebody needed to taser you with truth from a different perspective, and that’s my specialty. I’m a writer. I don’t see the world the same way everybody else does – thank goodness! Right now, I see a bunch of people with the maturity of a 12 year old and think, as Ron White says, “the next time you have a thought – don’t.” At least, not unless you’re ready to turn it to positive action.
That’s all today. I’d say have a Happy Friday tomorrow and a wonderful weekend, but I don’t dare tread on your choice of what kind of Friday and weekend to have. If you’re determined to be miserable, far be it from me to stand in your way with well wishes.