Between meditating on this issue and talking to a friend who ponders similar issues, I discovered something: losing your patience for things that hurt or are bad for you is a good thing. In fact, I think it’s a sign of progress when you can’t stand to feel bad for a long time, because it encourages you to seek better things. You don’t settle to wallow or suffer, because you’re ready to get over it and move on. I believe that while it’s best to be patient with most things, there are some things that it’s ok to say enough is enough with, and the sooner the better.
Of course, reality isn’t all rainbows and unicorns. Bad things will happen and people will be a pain right when you don’t need it. Time, chance, and circumstance happen to us all. The key is making an active decision that we won’t be ruled by this world, and to stand firm in living that decision. Deal with what comes the best you can, and move on. We all have a choice and we make it all the time, whether we realize it or not. You don’t have to have a bad attitude about things. You don’t have to wallow in pity. You don’t have to allow toxic things to remain. You don’t have to remain a victim.
The key is having the strength and willingness to reject what you don’t want in order to make room for what brings you true joy – and if you’re full of joy, then the bad can’t stay. I think this is where the impatience comes in to play. I once read that you know the positive thinking is really taking hold when you can’t stand to feel bad or think bad things, and I’m getting there. It’s a good kind of impatience. In fact, if you’re full of enough joy, then I think it actually repels the bad things. Resistance will come, but you can make it unpleasant. Don’t you want to be the one that the demons say “oh please, don’t send me after her!”
It sounds silly, but it’s true, and a worthy goal. Don’t make the devil’s job easier by cooperating. Give him hell by determining that you won’t have that crap and will live in the light and truth of joy!
I’m ready for this cold to be on it’s way, and I’m ready for fantastic news and good breakthroughs. I see things moving back to a better vibe with that five star review I got for Progenitor this week, and I pray to build on it and see that grow. Sure, I realize that I’m in a spiritual “growing season” right now, but that doesn’t mean that I’m limited. Good things can and will happen, and I’m ready to grow, learn, and have great breakthroughs.
That’s all today. Have a Happy Friday and a wonderful weekend.