Apparantly, turning 40 means you're supposed to feel old.
Now, that is funny. Really? I'm barely halfway to retirement eligibility, and I'm already supposed to be concerned about aging, retirement, and nursing homes? And you know what the funniest thing of all is? The people making comments about yea, you've had a lot of birthdays, you've accomplished a lot in the long time you've been working/writing, you know what remembering that far back means, it's going to take longer to heal from that illness/injury because you aren't a kid anymore, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle - they're all OLDER than I am! Now really, folks, who's getting ahead of themselves now?
Speak for yourself. Yes, I am completely aware of how old I am. I'm also completely aware that I'm not bound by it. Of course, there are undeniable signs that I'm not a kid anymore, but you know what I say to that? Thanks be to God! I'm thankful to have some wisdom and experience now to guide me. No, there isn't much new under the sun. Does that mean it's time to hang it up and simply exist? You can if you want to. I'm still going.
I've also been criticized of late for encouraging people to pray for God's favor, and to have a big vision for their life. My response to that is that if you want to limit your prayers and plans for the future because of the DOB on your driver's license, then I can't stop you. I wish you wouldn't, but if you feel that you're too old to dream big, then I can't make you regain your vision. Vision, goals, and favor are not immature or idealistic foolishness - they are the building blocks of a successful life. Frankly, I did some serious self reflecting recently, and decided that I not only wanted my vision from my 20's back, but that I now have the knowledge and expertises to fine tune it and make it bigger, better, and more fabulous than I knew to wish for then. I've accomplished a lot in the past decade, and I want to keep on doing and keep on shining!
Everybody thought reality would "teach me better" and that age would ground me. Sorry folks, but on being an idealist, I still haven't changed. And it really is funny that I had all of 10 years to really conquer the world. At 30, I was supposed to "make it happen." At 40, I'm supposed to "let it go." Hell, no. I've got life going on now. Nobody mentioned a 10 year parameter on living, and I refuse those bookends. When last I looked, I was still alive, so off I go. Limit yourself if you must. As for me, I'll tell you what I tell everybody else when them make the "getting older" barbs:
Speak for yourself. I'm not old. I'm just getting started on the next thing.
That's all today. Take care, and have a great week.