I’m not even going to give a “shame on you” to all of this, because you all know better. I’m just glad I’m not any of these people and all of this wild behavior has sowed some nasty stuff that will return. Forget “shame on you.” I’m staying the hell AWAY from you because I don’t want to be near that blast radius when it comes back your way. Patience is better (and often more dangerous than) revenge. And I am patient. I’ve spent over 13 years building myself as an independent author so yes, I am perceptive of the “big picture” and know how to take the “long view.”
Perspective, people. The world is a big place. Why make it harder by creating unnecessary drama? That’s just a waste. We have terrorist beheading children and you’re going to send videos of animals being killed because your mad that my friends and I eat meat? Protein is good for the brain. Get a burger and get on with life! Geeze, you can even have fries with that. Why are you worried about personal life choices? If you want to start a revolution, then do it in a positive way. Often, negative things win because that’s where the energy is sent. Instead of being against stuff, why aren’t you for stuff. If you believe in being vegan, you’ll sell me more on pictures of plants growing and all the benefits they do for my body than showing innocent animals being graphically slaughtered. That’s cruel and pisses me off. And I blocked and reported that person, too.
I’d like to say folks, please sober up, sane up, and get a grip, but people are gonna be people and will do what they darn well please. So instead, I’m offline for a few days. I’m going to work on getting Obsidian ready for the final proofreads and publication. I will keep up with my editing on Readwave. I have two meetings this week. I will clean up the house. I will watch my TV shows and get my car recall taken care of and overall have a life offline. And then, maybe, I’ll take a peek to see if the devil’s done, or if I still need to duck and cover for a while longer. I pray something stays this madness while I’m away, and that cooler heads are prevailing later in the week. It’s pretty bad when writing, work, car maintenance, and housecleaning are preferable to reading the garbage prevailing on social media – but then again, it’s comforting that I have a full enough life that I can switch it off when it gets nastier than all the things that can go wrong with cremations and burials. With pictures.
That’s all today. Take care, and I’ll see you later in the week.