And no joke - the old doctor's office and the framer for the rose cutting cross stitch called me three minutes apart yesterday, as if they had no idea that I've already had to run them down for things. I picked up that cross stitch almost a month ago, and the doctor situation was resolved on Monday. Both completely confused. Neither bothered to scroll down on their database to see that I already did it myself.
On the other hand, it's been an outstanding week for writing. Action is good for the muse, it seems, although I hate to admit it. And things seem to be rebounding, although I say that with cautious optimism. Of course, we're still having ups and downs, and this is a confusing time. But there are some benefits to it, like the fact that I'm finally back to working on and writing short stories, after nearly a year of talk but not much action in that area. I do feel good about that.
Since I don't have any insights to offer this week, I thought I'd entertain you with one of those short stories I wrote this week. I found a writing prompt online about writing a story about the day your stuffed animals came to life. We don't have many of them, but I did get Rick a teddy bear for Valentines Day many years ago that Zack has despised as his mortal foe for most of his life. I thought it would be fun to portray that in a story. It didn't win - actually, it was disqualified because I failed to notice that one of the rules of the contest changed since I last participated - but it was fun to write. The attached picture is to help you visualize our feathered kids. Zack is the golden boy, and Bubbles is the blue beauty. So without further ado, I hope this story brightens your day. Enjoy!
Vengeance on Teddy
The scream jolted me from the report I was working on. I was home alone. Why would something be screaming? Zack and Bubbles, our parrots, don’t talk that clearly.
“Birds?” I asked. I glanced at their cages to notice, in horror, they were empty.
My stomach dropped. “Zack! Bubbles! Where are you?”
The voice was coming from upstairs.
I sprinted up the stairs to find both parrots on the dresser in the master bedroom. The small stuffed teddy bear I got my husband for Valentine’s Day was thrashing about, it’s small arms waving, as the parrots cornered it against the mirror.
“Sherri! Help me!”
Bubbles body slammed the bear and held it down with her foot while Zack yanked stuffing out of the bear’s belly, cackling the entire time.
“Good grief!” I rushed to the closet to pull out my electronic “shocker” that I got a few years ago. Was it charged? We’ve been quarantined for over a month.
“Mommy to the rescue,” I said. The birds scrambled up my arms to my shoulder, taking shelter against my neck.
The bear stood wearily. “Thanks, Sherri. I needed –"
I zapped it with 5,000 volts. It wailed as electric shock filled the stuffing, jerking about before exploding in a mess of brown felt and puff. Zack cackled. I sighed, dropping the zapper on the table next to the obliterated teddy bear. “Now I know why you always hated that thing. I guess it won’t be bothering you any more.”
“That’s right!” Bubbles said, bobbing her head.
“Come on. Go back to your cages to rest while I clean this up.” I said.
I can’t believe my husband complains about being an “essential employee.” He has no idea what working from home is really like!