Isn’t it funny how your perception changes over time? New experiences do broaden your horizons, and growth can change how you experience things. It was amazing to me how this place, that used to be part of my day to day life, felt so alien and strange to me. My life has changed drastically, and I’ve grown into the space where I am. Is one better than the other? It’s hard to say. Certainly, there are obvious advantages and disadvantages to both, but overall I am content with such things as I have.
The same happens with my writing. I was working on rewrites to Broken Time this week, and noticed that I reused a character name that I used for one of the major characters in Blurry, my young adult mystery novel that published in 2011. I should change that name, but a few minutes of thinking made me realize that nobody probably remembers Blurry, so there’s no harm in recycling the name, especially since it’s a minor character in Broken Time. Watch me be wrong and have a reader point that out once Broken Time publishes. I just wonder if they'll also ponder the drastic differences between the books. I’m a very different person, with a very different life, than the Sherri who wrote Blurry in 2008 and it shows, at least to me. I wonder if readers notice it.
Do you notice it, in yourself or others? I think that, like me, it takes a trigger to realize that something is different, whether it’s in yourself or in others. Most of us go along in our day to day lives with little realization of how we’re growing, shifting, and changing in response to life and the world around us. It takes a jolt, so to speak, to open our eyes and see that things are not what they once were.
It’s something interesting to ponder, especially as I work on Broken Time, where the protagonist is moving in and out of versions of herself in the past, present, and future. Which brings up one more realization: do I notice this because of triggers in my personal life, because I’m working on a novel with this particular theme, or is everything working together to just make my head hurt with the realization of so many things today?
Interesting questions. Here’s hoping that returning to the life that is mine, continuing rewrites, and casual Friday bring some answers. Or, at least, that the season premiere of Star Trek: Picard won’t get my mind stirring with more questions, as sci-fi tends to do. It’s curious how these themes seem to repeat themselves in all of the signs around you, but that is probably a pondering for another blog entry.
For now, I sign off wishing you a great day, a happy Friday tomorrow, and a wonderful weekend.