I do admit to returning to that world for some comfort. A busy schedule means there has been stress, and writing helps me to process things and relax. Anybody whose read my books can probably tell that I struggle with anxiety, and it’s been an active issue again the past few months with sinus infections, busy schedules, and numerous maintenance and repair issues. I know they say you should journal and I do, but it seems that writing fiction gives me more relief and release than straight journaling. That means I’m back to Singularity to see what I’ve created. Seven chapters in, and I’ve already caught some inconsistencies and questions. Then again, that’s bound to happen when the rough draft takes five months to write.
Slow and steady wins. Just as handling my anxiety will take consistent effort that will move in the Lord’s timing, so will Singularity. I learned that both with previous anxiety struggles and with Broken Time. You heal faster when you give yourself the time and space to do it right and let things work out for good in the end. And there’s another annoying lesson in patience woven in there, too. *Sigh.* I suppose it’s a good thing that Singularity is the only novel-length work-in-progress I have now. It’s been a while since I’ve been down to one.
So Duality is coming November 1, and you can pre-order it now or read it in advance in The Fourth Quarter. That’s the first mystery that I’ve written since 2014, and I had fun returning to that genre. I hope you enjoy it.
That’s all today. Take care. Have a happy Friday tomorrow and a wonderful weekend.