Another problem is that you don’t know how far out the effect reaches. Something you say or do may change life for people you failed to consider. Case in point: you quit your job. Now you’ve made life harder for everybody that has to cover for your loss until you can be replaced and that replacement can be trained. You walk away and be-bop on with your life and while there may be adjustments, they’re adjustments you agreed to. They didn’t agree to adjustments, and have weeks or even months of their lives being complicated by your decision. And forget about the “you’ve got to understand that I have to do what’s right for me!” They don’t have to understand anything, and you can’t make them. They have a right to be angry at you, and you have no choice but to deal with that anger.
There is some good news. While they say that moral victories aren’t real victories, I’ve noticed that people will give you an “A” for effort. What’s in the heart matters, and people can always sense that. If you honestly try to do what’s right and don’t mean to hurt others, they’re typically more willing to forgive, or at least they get past their anger faster because the consequences are temporary and usually work out for their good as well. If you do it with intentions to hurt others , then it’s on like Donkey Kong, and you just sent out an express package of ugly to be returned to sender. Things done with pure intentions in love will return greater good to everybody. Things done in hate hurt you in the end, because those you hurt will be vindicated, leaving all of that ugly energy with one place to go – right back to you. Be careful what you wish for, and especially what you wish on other people. You tend to get it yourself. Read The Secret. The universe can’t distinguish what you want for yourself from what you want for others. If you think it and especially if you act on it, then it’s yours. Signed, sealed, delivered.
It brings me back to the same conclusions as my last entry. Be a decent human being and do the right thing, and things work out for the best in the end. Yes, people are jerks and will do you wrong. Yes, circumstances will seem to turn against you. Yes, bad things happen to all people and don’t distinguish the good from the bad. Yes, people will call you a goody-goody and a “Little Miss/Mr. Perfect,” but let them laugh and reap the consequences of their own. If your heart is right and pure, then you weather these storms, and the journey gives you wisdom and strength to not only come out better in the end, but to build a better life than you had before. Mosaics are made from brokenness reconstructed into beauty.
That’s all today. Take care, and have a great weekend.