Our very government is too scared to really deal with radical terrorism. It's easier for them to punish the law-abiding citizens by clamping down on gun control than to deal with an entire group that wants us dead - by any means necessary - just because we aren't them. I don't know if it's because their egos are so big that they can't fathom that there are people in the world that could actually hate them that much, or if they do fathom it and they're so dumb that they actually believe that ignoring it will make the problem go away. Well, it won't. These terrorist have struck American people on American soil - again.
Another problem is that we're letting people that are batsh** crazy run around and do whatever they want because "they have their rights." You don't hand a 2 year-old the keys to your car and let them go, but an adult that's been spewing venom online for three years has "rights" and you can't stop them from buying 57 guns and driving a car out of town to a nightclub because "sure, they do things that scare us, but they haven't hurt anybody YET and they have their rights." I'm not going to flatter anybody here: you know crazy when you see it; you know that nothing can be done involuntarily to them unless they unquestionably prove that they're a danger to themselves or others, you know that 100% of people have a strong enough self preservation instinct that the hurting is likely to be others, and you don't want to be the one they hurt. So you give them what they want because you're afraid to be the one they prove their crazy on, and you don't want to make them mad. I've said a million times before that the mental health system is totally screwed up and needs a better overhaul, but hey, what do I know? We can't even realize that there's something not right about a religion that urges people to kill those that believe different things than they do.
Maybe I'm biased, but if your god is telling you to kill them all, you might want to consider that your god may be, in fact, a demon. But again, what do I know?
There are plenty of other problems in our society that contribute to things like this. People are too entitled. We live in a society that's taken the "you're special" thing waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too far, because now everybody is stuck in their heads, and their heads are stuck in their butts, and there's no way to see the reality around you that way. Add to that the fact that most people have a ten ton chip on their shoulder because aww, everybody doesn't love me (more of that entitlement crap), and it's a wonder that any of us are alive.
What it boils down to is this: scientists have found the center of the universe, and sorry folks, but it's not you. It's not me. It's time we all took a whopping dose of humility with a side of reality, and realized that yes, we're different, yes, we're equal, and that means that we have to learn to live with it in a respectful manner if we want to live in a civilized society. And society is getting less and less civilized.
Good goobly goo. Maybe scifi is prophetic. Maybe the aliens will come, and then we'll really see if we're worth saving. What's more, it's a shame that it takes some people at their worst to bring out the best in us. Why can't we show our best ALL THE TIME?
I do pray for the victims and families of those lost in Orlando last night. It's a terrible and senseless tragedy. The real shame is that every time this happens, we ask "how do we make it stop?" but it doesn't. It keeps happening. Just a year ago, it was the Charleston shooting, and that was completely domestic. I pray for us all, because if we don't find a breakthrough to better ways soon, then we're doomed.
That's my soapbox speech on the topic. Take care, and have a great week.