It's exciting on publication day. Such a blessed relief to have a project complete and out in the world! Then the small clues creep up: writing prompts, contest deadlines, and newsletters remind you of other projects you can and should be doing. The problem is that the blinking cursor confirms your worst fear: you're burned out. The well is dry. You have writer's block. And, despite all of the calls for creation, you simply cannot do it.
It happens every time, so predictably that I've learned to plan other projects to keep me occupied as I rest and restore from my slump.
It's natural, I suppose. It takes a lot to complete and publish a book, so of course you crash once it's over. And you don't notice the beating the muse takes coming up with blurbs, book descriptions, and keywords. You just "do," not realizing that the energy is depleting and you're running closer to fumes than actual creative power. Once you've had a few days breaks and good night's sleep, you realize just how exhausting it is to publish. I've published four books in the past month, and taken three more off KDP and republished them through Draft2Digital for wider distribution. No wonder I'm tired!
Fortunately, I did some planning. I have a couple of books I'd like to read, and then I have a cross stitch that I haven't touched in months. I think it's time to get back to that while the well refills to resume my work on Broken Time (which I hope to release next spring or summer), short stories, articles. and book reviews.
There are many who say that writer's block is a myth. I'm not one of them. You can get burned out on anything, even things you love. I've learned not to fear these times, but to honor and embrace them by giving my mind and muse the rest they need. It's why I hold on to my reading and crafting hobbies, too. I might not do the cross stitching much, but it's a great creative outlet these "in between" times. Eventually, it also leads to completed projects too. I might get that Believe in Santa Clause cross stitch done yet. It's been on my mind, so maybe now is a good time to make some progress on it.
That's all today. Take care, and have a great week.