Fast forward to three weeks ago when somebody suggested it to Rick, and I found myself hooked. I didn’t understand it. The show didn’t change, so apparently I did. But I think it also has to do with a matter of timing. Different things speak to us at different times. It’s possible that this show is resonating with me now because this is the right time for me to truly appreciate it, given where I’m at on my life journey.
I believe this is something we’ve all experienced, especially in the past year. I didn’t expect to have Domino published and to have the entire draft of The Sentience Series in progress yet, but the pandemic gave me an opportunity to accelerate my writing schedule. I’m doing rewrites based on my reviews and beta reads for Phantasm (Book Two), and I see how my personal experiences and the pandemic influenced the development of that story. I didn’t plan on it now, but I’m glad I acted on the opportunity. It’s turning out much better than I originally planned or expected.
Life happens in seasons, so timing is a critical component in our growth. It also explains why some things reach us at some times, and fail at other times. So if somebody suggest something that just doesn’t “ring” with you, don’t worry. It might be a suggestion to note for a future season, when you’re at the right place for it to resonate with you.
The key is to listen to the Holy Spirit working through your intuition. It knows what you don’t, so be wise to obey the promptings, even if it goes against your plans. Often, it’s a clue that you need to work timing into your favor. Trust me, you’ll be glad that you did.
That’s all today. Take care, and have a great rest of the week.