If you've been following me on Facebook, then you've seen through my "COVID Chronicles" updates that having the booster made a huge difference. I had my booster the week before Thanksgiving, and my symptoms have been pretty mild compared to Rick, who was knocked flat out for five days. He has asthma, which made everything worse. Thankfully, we're both recovering. He finally tested negative yesterday. I'm still waiting for that dratted second line to disappear, but am feeling much better.
Zack and Bubbles have been excellent birds, too. Zack hasn't left Rick's side, and Bubbles hasn't let me out of her sight. They've been such good birds. They're definitely on the top of Santa's "nice" list, with gold stars!
I know people have their reasons for wanting or not wanting the vaccine, but I can speak from experience when I say that it's made a difference for me. I got off light with this virus, and with my jacked up sinuses I'm certain it's because I got that booster, and just in time. It made a difference for me. But I'm a sci-fi writer with allergy and respiratory issues, so of course I go for it. You have to make your own decisions, and that's ok too.
At least we're healing in time for Christmas, and get the added benefit of immunity for the winter (or at least, the next six weeks). And I guess I had it coming. I mean, if you write a futuristic novel about the next epidemic taking out the world, I suppose you'll face the current pandemic. Let's call it "research" and move on, shall we?
Thanks for being great friends! I hope you all stay healthy and happy, and have a wonderful, blessed, safe and Merry Christmas!