It’s also excellent timing because Progenitor, Book One of The Earthside Trilogy, is scheduled for the Brain to Books promotion next week, so that will be great to lead readers to both books. Emergence, Book Three of The Earthside Trilogy is moving along on schedule and (Lord willing) should be ready for the beta/proofreader and cover artist in January. I already let them know to look for it after the start of the new year, so I’m hoping for a late February/early March 2018 release on the final installment of the trilogy.
Now it’s the work of getting the word out to reviewers and getting everything updated. One thing about self publishing is that 100% control also means 100% responsibility. I’ll be busy this week getting things out and updated, but it’s good, exciting work to do.
I’m so excited, happy, and thankful to have Metamorphosis out early! I ran behind doing major rewrites on it last year, but it wound out on track thanks to the grace of God, and the excellent work of a great beta/proofreader and cover artist!
That’s all today. Take care, and have a great week.