There’s something melancholy about late summer. Perhaps it harkens to the ‘back to school’ days, when summer was ending and it was time to get back in that routine. Perhaps it’s because the heat is really starting to wear on us. Perhaps it’s that strange angle of the sun in the sky where you feel the heat, but you see and feel the world shifting ever so slowly, as if to say “wait, it’s coming --.”
I have mixed feelings about fall. I agree that it’s the most beautiful season of the year, but I’ve also faced my worst losses and challenges during the fall. That’s not to say they’ve all been bad. There have been good experiences as well. My birthday is in the late summer, I met and started dating Rick in the fall, and we completed construction and moved in our home in the fall. I also had some of my toughest times professionally, and lost 2 grandparents and our sweet Chloe in the fall. Perhaps it’s the mix that makes fall kind of melancholy. Sure, anything can happen at any time, but there’s a natural “winding down” feel to fall that makes you feel a sense of finality that you don’t feel at other times of the year. Winter is about new resolve and starting over. Spring is about rebirth. Summer is celebrating life. Fall is an interweaving of it all, bringing things together in the symphony that is life. Perhaps we figure it out in the fall. Perhaps that’s when all things come together. Perhaps we finally ‘get it’ and see how things fit together in the big picture of life.
Or perhaps I’m overthinking things. They have what meaning we put to them. We’ve chosen the fall as the “back to routine” time of year when things kick into the “life gear.” It seems that back to school feeling doesn’t end when we graduate. It seems that it continues on, leaving us in a natural cycle of evaluating and adjusting life according to our season.
There is something about late summer and fall, but it’s important to temper our thoughts and expectations. As with all seasons, anything can happen. We do ourselves a favor if we walk in obedience to the Spirit and take it a day at a time in hopeful expectation. We may not know of what, but we can trust it’s for something good.
That’s all today. Take care. Have a Happy Friday tomorrow and a wonderful weekend.