Then there are the mental signs. I always know when school is letting out for a significant break, because of two tell-tale signs: careless driving, and half done work. The improving weather, coupled with the release of the kiddos keep brains from running on one track for too long, resulting in almost getting hit 4 times on the way home from work by people ignoring or disregarding red lights and right of ways, and half done work that require more detective work than my mystery novels to figure out what they were trying to do. My best advice for relief from this is the same as I give during the other “distraction seasons” of the holidays and summer: try harder to pay attention. Yes, the weather is nice. No, it isn’t fair that we don’t get free breaks from work like the kids so. Being a grown up is tough but alas, we must keep the world turning. Take heart – you’ll get all of those missed breaks later in life. It’s called retirement. Until then, keep your head in the game, keep the focus, and keep up your best work. We can do it.
And do your best to enjoy the season, as well. Longer days and warmer weather are definitely something to celebrate – even if we have to take it with a dose of Claritin-D and an extra cup of coffee to keep us breathing and focused.
That’s all today. Take care, enjoy spring, and have a great rest of the week.