I could rail about the evils of ISIS. That definitely is a problem. Frankly, we need to quit fighting each other and get on that thing. Or about the measles, and ask why, oh why, would people not want immunizations. I mean, you aren't stepping on a college campus without them, so if you want to set them up for the future, then this is one of those inconvenient trappings of success. Or about the recent murder/suicide shooting of a professor at my alma mater last Thursday (the University of South Carolina). I could tell you about Rick's cold that he came down with just in time for the weekend - the joy of working in a school, which is second only to medical facilities in terms of carrying germs. There's plenty wrong with the world, and those are conversations we could have all day.
Or I could bounce in my chair over the positives. I can tell you about excitement over my recent work transition and learning new things. I could go on about the fantastic breakthrough idea I had for Schism and The Earthside Trilogy, and the research I've done so I can start writing again this week. I could tell you how happy, relieved, and energetic I feel from both the work changes and the writing inspiration, and how those things alone have given me a new perspective and a joy I didn't expect, but have found to be a wonderful surprise. I could chatter about my excitement over Better Call Saul and the return of House of Cards later this month on Netflix. I could tell you about the great reminders and inspiration I'm getting from reading The Chronological Bible and Simple Abundance again as my daily readings this year. I could go on about how adorable Zack and Chloe are and how they get in my cashmere sweaters and don't want to take their precious little feet out of them. I could go on about the great turn the weather took this weekend to give us a nice, sunny, warm break before turning cool and rainy again tomorrow. I could tell you how relieved I am that the taxes are filed and the house is clean, that my calendar looks better than it has in a very long time, that the family is doing great, and that things are rolling along without any adventure, which is quite alright with us, thank you very much.
Then again, I think I've covered it. And to me, it looks like the good outweighs the bad. In fact, it seems that the bad is on a larger scale "in the world around us" realm, while things within the realm are pretty good. Well heck yes, I'll take that, and thanks be to God! I'm very happy and grateful to see our lives taking a turn for the better. It's a welcome relief.
That's all today. I hope things are going well in your world. Take care, and have a great week.