1. It's hot, plain and simple. Highs in the 80's. Lows in the 50's - 60's. Time for sunshades in cars and AC on day and night.
2. We have to run the sprinklers again. Significant rain stops in May and starts again around November. Sure, we get occasional wrath-of-God thunderstorms, but it's never enough rainfall to save you from sprinkler duty for long!
3. Days are longer. Light lingers in the sky until after 8PM.
4. Season finale's of TV shows start running this week. (I still can't believe Smallville is running their last episode Friday!)
5. Pack up the socks and polish the toenails! Every day is sandal day now.
6. Nature is singing - the roses are blooming and the birds are eating like crazy (wild and domestic, but please don't tell Chloe I put it in such an "undignified" way!).
7. Rick wants ice cream in the freezer at all times.
8. Standardized testing at the schools!
9. Big movie releases every Friday.
10. Writer's block! My muse has slacked off, thereby signaling the end of the winter writing blitz.
Hey, everybody's definition of summer is different and this is mine. It might be a bit early, but I don't see the harm in starting it a bit early. Why not? All signs point to the summer pattern starting now. Let's hope it's a good one. And not too many 100+ degree days this year!