Last Friday, I told you about the explosion of ideas that hit me. I’ve spent the past week doing more research, and am happy to say that it’s coming together, and I anticipate that I’ll start writing this project that’s tentatively titled The Tenth Dimension soon. Actually, it’s kind of started, because I’m using a journal story I wrote in early March as the prologue, and reading it helped me pull some things together. There are a few more details I’m working out now, but it won’t be long before I start writing. Keep an eye on social media – you know I’ll let you know.
So, back to writing. It’s both good and bad timing for this. I’m in my busiest time of year at work, and we’re resuming work on that back deck project this weekend after a three week hiatus to rest and take care of routine life business, which doesn’t stop just because you decided to do something new. It’s half done, and we really need to finish it before the summer really starts to cook. Hopefully, phase two of that project won’t take too long, now that we know what to do and shouldn’t run into some of the same trial-and-error stumbling blocks that we had in phase one. Finding time to write will certainly be a challenge. But then again, it seems I come up with a lot of ideas when I’m busy. I was up to my eyeballs when I wrote Trigger last fall but I got it done, so I know I can do this too. Plus, The Flash and Arrow have done their season finales; Better Call Saul only has three episodes left in the season, and Game of Thrones won’t start until July 16, so TV won’t be a distraction. Summer is a good time to work on writing for this reason alone! Of course, I’ll get it written. You know I will. I love my writing and you know I won’t hold back once this really gets going.
Sometimes, I wonder why this happens to me. Other people have simple lives where they simply go about their day to day business, unperturbed by characters and settings and stories unfolding in their head. But then I remember that I’ve tried that (even recently) and was bored. I’ve always had stories swirling in my mind. That’s just who I am, and I wouldn’t know what to do without it. It’s a blessing I love it, even if it aggravates me from time to time, as it was last Friday. But look at what’s happened in the week since I decided to embrace it – now, I’m excited and ready to get this deck project done so I can get back to world creating.
And so, this will be back to three novels in progress. Do more cardio, the doctor said, and I should have seen this coming. I’ve had multiple novels in progress since I started this diet and exercise program two years ago, and I should have known that a change in the routine would bring about the return of the muse. Maybe I should step on the scale to see if all of this is having the intended physical benefits. I do feel much better, but I suppose I’m too fixated on what I feel rather than measurable results. Then again, isn’t that what it’s really about?
That’s all today. Have a Happy Friday and a wonderful weekend.